western lutheran athletic league
Est. 1987
“I can do
everything through him who gives me strength” -philippians
Comment: Slow pitch rules
1,2,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,and 15 also apply to fast pitch.
3 does not apply to fast pitch, since the pitching distance for girl's fast
pitch is 37 feet. (Adopted
Rule 4 does not apply since there
is no minimum or maximum arc for the fast pitch. The strike zone in fast pitch is defined as
follows: The strike zone is that space over home plate which is between the
batter's forward armpit and the top of the knees when the batter assumes a
natural batting stance. Any part of the
ball passing through the strike zone in flight shall be considered a
strike. The umpire shall determine the
batter's strike zone according to the batter's usual stance.
Rule 8 is different because base
runners are allowed to leave the base after
the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.
Base runners are also allowed to steal second base and third base and
home. (Revised